Our company works directly with landowners to ensure the forest is taken care of. Some logging companies only commit to the timber harvest. At Ohio River Veneer, this is where we set ourselves apart. Cleaning up a landowner’s property after a harvest is one of our biggest commitments. Our job isn’t done until the owner is satisfied.
It is a reality that using big machines and cutting down trees will not leave your forest untouched. That’s why our policy is to minimize as much damage as possible. We use logging methods that follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) and pair this with clean up to ensure your forest will fully regenerate. One such method is Directional Falling. This is where the tree is cut in a way to direct its fall to an area where no trees or low value trees are. It will protect the smaller, high-value trees so they can keep growing.
Clearing Tree Tops
Tree tops are an unavoidable mess on a logging job. We take the time to clear all tops from pathways and open areas. The tree tops are pushed deep into the forest. This is important because the tops will break down over 5 years and give nutrients back to the forest.
Smoothing Ruts
For the logging to take place there needs to be trails throughout your forest. If trails do not already exist, we will create pathways for the machines to drive on. We plan the best route through your forest to minimize any additional damage that could occur. Once the logging is finished the roads will be rutted. This is caused by the skidders dragging trees to the log landing. John has over 10 years of experience running the clean up crew for Ohio River Veneer. He drives the dozer over all the trails and completely smooths all the ruts. It is quite a transformation and looks as if no logging machines were there.
Enjoy exploring your property with brand new walking or ATV trials!
Water Erosion Control
Keeping water ways clear of debris is essential to a healthy forest. We repair all effected areas with water bars and other methods to precent soil erosion.
Sowing Grass
No one wants to be stuck with a muddy mess. We take time after every job to sow grass seed and lay straw. The bare area will be completely covered by the following spring.
Landowner Favors
A timber harvest is the perfect time to improve your property. Say you are an avid hunter and have been dying to have a water source to attract deer to your property. Perhaps you enjoy walking in the woods or driving an ATV and need more trails. We can do favors for you like adding deer food plots, ponds, trails and clearings.
Landowner Testimonials
Its been about 6 years since you guys came out and done my place. It's thriving very well! And the deer are so thick here they eat all my berries lol. I brag about you guys to everyone when i get the chance. Ive given a lot of the neatly piled wood you left to people who really need it. Would love to have you guys back out but its probably too soon.
A quick review for anyone wondering. These guys did an awesome job at my place a few years ago. They went way beyond the normal standards of 99% of the other logging companies. I've heard horror story after horror story about properties being left a mess. You do not have to worry about that with these guys! They connected the trails and threw grass seed down. My property still looks great and has shaped up nicely. On top of that I have deer every where now. Thanks guys!!